Burpees on the Hour


So, yesterday morning I woke up to find two new blog posts in my email from some blogs that I follow.

One was about a blogger’s resolution to do “Chin Ups for Days,” which from my understanding  means that she will attempt to do the same number of chin-ups that equaled the date. So, like–one chin-up for July 1st, two for July 2nd, and so on.

The other was about another blogger’s attempt to “Every Hour on the Hour” do some sort of exercise with her kids to keep the body moving, even if they are just relaxing at home.

Now, again, I had just woken up at this time. I had grabbed my phone and checked my email out of habit, but it was still to early for me to seriously think of movement. So, I hit “like” after reading, then went on with my day.

Later that evening I was at the box, as weekday evenings are now CrossFit Prep Course time. (Yes! I’m giving this another try!) The WOD wasn’t too bad. We held our handstands, did some ring dips… But then, we had to do the dreaded burpee.

O.k. I don’t know what it is-but burpees make my soul cringe! I gave those burpees all I got yesterday, but I still couldn’t shake my dislike for the exercise. As I worked through 25, I reflected on what I had read that morning and I’ve now come up with my own resolution.

For the next 30 days, whenever I am just chilling at home, I am going to get up every hour and do the same number of burpees that correspond with the time. So, it’s 5 p.m. right now–I’ve got to get up and do five.


Here I am checking out my stance as I go down. I am so anal retentive, I swear!

Do I really want to do burpees every hour? That last five wasn’t so bad. It’s the every hour part that sounds a little more challenging, but it’s worth it if it will make them easier.

Actually, this reminds me of  a really good quote,

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle

Perhaps by making a habit of doing them when I’m at home, my burpees will get better! I’ll certainly let you know whether they do or they don’t.

Anyway, I thought I’d share as I’ve been dying to write a “movement” related post. To be in my best shape is one of my main goals for this year and I intend to keep sharing what’s motivating me and what’s working! Hopefully, someone else also gets inspired!

Would you care to join me in my burpee challenge? What fitness challenge do  you want to take on this month? This year?