A Photo A Day: Day 5


…my heart is a little heavy.


“Black Heart”

“I used to think that the world was doing it to me, and that the world owed me some thing. And that the… either the conservatives or the socialists or the fascists or the communists or the Christians or the Jews or the fascists were doing something to me. I don’t think that anymore, ’cause I found out it doesn’t fucking work. Most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it, right? So for the few of us who did question what was going on, I have found out personally, not for the whole world, that-there’s no separating; we’re all one.”

-John Lennon

A Photo A Day: Day 4

Today’s photo. Did not expect before shooting that this would become my photo of the day, but I am in love with it!

Aside from a little cropping, this photo has no further editing.

I’m not quite sure how to describe it. I just know that I FEEL it.



A Photo A Day: Day 3

Forget what I said about this weekend being easy. Today was a tough day for photos.

I was exhausted by the end of it, and underwhelmed.

To wind down, I let myself have fun with the editing, and now I am undecided on which photo to post.

So, here are my top 3 from today. Unfortunately, the photo I was counting on to turn out the best did not make it.

Anyhow… Hope you enjoy!

While dragons aren't typically my thing. I'd say this is the best shot of the day.

While dragons aren’t typically my thing. I’d say this is the best shot of the day.

I need more depth-"Change the world from here."

I need more depth-“Change the world from here.”

But this one is totally me! This is my fave!

But this one is totally me! This is my fave!

A Photo A Day

Finally have a challenge for the month of August: take A Photo a Day and post it on WordPress!

With a newly bought camera collecting dust and a blog needing some attention, coming up with this one was a no brainer.

Really hoping this will keep me pretty attached to both for the remainder of the month. So, stick around!


Can someone tell that girl her lens cap is on?? Sigh. Still a novice.

Burpees on the Hour UPDATE!!!

The month of July is already gone, and it’s been about a month since I have last posted on here. This was definitely a challenging month for me, but definitely a lot of good things to share! Be on the watch for it!

Before all that, however, I should let you know how the Burpees on the Hour challenge went, as promised.

 It was pretty awesome, but I did have my problems with it. Oh, well! That’s what made it a challenge!

Reasons why it was awesome:

  • I was way more prepared to do burpees the next time at the box. Little did they know…
  • I was inspired to look up how-to videos on the web-leading me to discover that the push-up is not required for the traditional burpee! Whaaaat!?
  • It really wasn’t so bad. And I am referring to both the workout and the challenge. Once I watched a few videos, I started focusing more on my jump and less on the push-up. Actually, I stopped incorporating the push-up completely, and just made sure my chest always touched the ground. Easy, yet still an effective workout. Also, I didn’t really think of how rarely I’d be chilling at home. I kept myself busy this month, which equated to only a few days with burpees out of the month.

Reasons why it wasn’t so awesome:

  •  Well, there was only one: monotony. While doing burpees got less challenging, they also got boring. It basically got to the point that I wanted to break my challenge, because I would feel like changing up the movement. I never actually broke it, but for next time, I am going to keep in mind to do like the blogger and her kids who switched up the exercises.

And there you have it! 🙂

Now it’s time for a new challenge. With some other projects in the way, and with the countdown to the semester already started, I totally wasn’t thinking of it. I’m going to need to come up with something soon!

How are your challenges going?